Hier ist die Welt noch in Ordnung. Die Alte Klus in Frotheim liegt direkt am Dorfplatz, der für Radfahrer mit Sitzgelegenheiten ausgestattet wurde. Die Klus selbst ist der Stolz der Frotheimer und wird durch die Dorfgemeinschaft erhalten.
Hier ist die Welt noch in Ordnung. Die Alte Klus in Frotheim liegt direkt am Dorfplatz, der für Radfahrer mit Sitzgelegenheiten ausgestattet wurde. Die Klus selbst ist der Stolz der Frotheimer und wird durch die Dorfgemeinschaft erhalten.
The construction of the chapel was made possible in 1818 with donations from the people of Frotheim. The inhabitants did not want to continue to Gehlenbeck for church occasions or for funerals.
The chapel is a simple half-timbered building with a 3-sided choir and a bell rider above the facade. The interior forms a plain room, the floor is laid with bricks. In the three-sided choir is the altar, above it the organ and in front of the choir on the south side the pulpit. The pews are still in their original condition.
After the construction of the funeral chapel in the 1960s, the cloister was no longer used and threatened to fall into disrepair.
In 1975 the chapel was renovated. Since then, the exterior of the old cloister has been restored to its former glory. The fact that the people of Frotheim are proud of the old Klus is proven by the many events and visits.
The opposite village square invites cyclists to linger.
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